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The curriculum built on IB PYP framework at International Primary School Saigon Pearl
Lê Kiên - 03/03/2022
International Primary School Saigon Pearl (ISSP) has an international curriculum with quality recognized worldwide. Its primary curriculum is designed according to the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) framework. For more information about the curriculum of International Primary School Saigon Pearl, the high quality American international school, please read the article below
Introduction of International Primary School Saigon Pearl
International Primary School Saigon Pearl (ISSP) is an American international school in Ho Chi Minh City for students from 18 months to 11 years old, belonging to the Cognita group with more than 85 school members worldwide. ISSP is the only international preschool and primary school in Ho Chi Minh City that is comprehensively accredited by two prestigious international accreditation organizations, CIS (Council of International School) and NEASC (New England Association of Schools and Colleges). Currently, ISSP is also an IB PYP candidate school that is recognized worldwide.
At ISSP, the curriculum is designed according to the IB PYP framework with 6 transdisciplinary themes, specifically as follows:
Who we are: It refers to an inquiry into what it means to be human including the nature of the self, beliefs and values and the concepts of personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health. This theme is also associated with the various human relationships including families, communities and cultures as well as the rights and responsibilities.
Where we are in place and time: This theme is about an inquiry into the personal histories; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humans in history; and the relationships as well as the interconnectedness of individuals and of civilizations in both local and global perspectives.
How we express ourselves: It relates to an inquiry into the ways how people express their ideas and feelings; how they discover and communicate their nature, culture, beliefs and values; and how they reflect on, extend and enjoy their creativity and appreciation of aesthetics.
How the world works: This theme is about the natural world and its laws; the interaction between human societies and the natural world in both physical and biological aspects; how humans use their knowledge of scientific principles; and the impact of scientific and technological advances on both the natural environment and society.
How we organize ourselves: It is regarded as an inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on the environment and humankind.
Sharing the planet: The last transdisciplinary theme is an inquiry into the rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share the limited resources with other people and species; the relationships within and between communities; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.
Grade 1 curriculum of International Primary School Saigon Pearl
Who we are:
Rights and responsibilities
The function of a community and the roles of people in community
Our role in our community and how can we have an impact (positive or negative)
Where we are in place and time:
The past is different to today
Evidence tells us about the past
Personal history
How we express ourselves:
Things we celebrate
Different celebrations around the world
Creating celebrations for others
How the world works:
Origin and the functions of sound
Origin and the functions of light
Light and sound as a means of communication or expression
How we organize ourselves:
Earth’s cycles
Patterns in Earth’s cycles
Observing Earth’s cycles
Sharing the planet:
Characteristics and behaviors of living things
Characteristics and behaviors help the survival of living things
Connection between parents and offspring
Grade 2 curriculum of International Primary School Saigon Pearl
Who we are:
The functions of learning communities
The roles, rights and responsibilities of a learning community
Contributing positively to a learning community
Where we are in place and time:
Characteristics of Ancient Vietnam
Ways that our locality (Ho Chi Minh) has changed or remained the same
Why some ideas endure and others change
How we express ourselves:
Features and expressions of celebrations
Celebrations are different around the world
We can create a celebration for others
How the world works:
Properties of matter and materials
Changes in matter and materials
Innovating and creating with our understanding of matter and material
How we organize ourselves:
Needs vs wants and how that affects spending and money
Developing goods and services
Making decisions as a consumer (sustainability goals)
Sharing the planet:
Earth’s natural processes (including day/night)
Earth’s processes impact on humans and animals
Connection between Earth’s features and where people and animals live
Grade 3 curriculum of International Primary School Saigon Pearl
Who we are:
The importance of well being among families
Factors and actions impacting well being
Well being within our community
Where we are in place and time:
Fossils can tell us about once living things
Environmental factors, adaptation and humans contribute to the survival of living things
Humans can impact the habitat of living things both positively and negatively
How we express ourselves:
Expressions of culture
Beliefs and value systems within different cultures
The importance of International mindedness and how it relates to diversity
How the world works:
Force and motion enable people to invent and create
Relationships between forces and motion
Using force to create things
How we organize ourselves:
The impact of conflict
Roles in conflict
Peaceful conflict resolution
Sharing the planet:
The importance of life cycles and how the environment can impact those cycles
The connection between traits and inheritance
Grade 4 curriculum of International Primary School Saigon Pearl
Who we are:
Individuals can influence and impact others positively or negatively
Characteristics and Attributes of effective role models in the context of our community
Role models are positive influences in their community who can support impactful change
Where we are in place and time:
Significant events and/or people in time
Evidence tells us about past events and people
We can tell the story of a significant event or person from the past using effective curation
How we express ourselves:
The function and importance(if any) of governance systems
The impact of different governance systems in our community, country and world
Governance decisions and directives impact people and their lives
People can provoke and advocate for changes to governance systems
How the world works:
Inventions in our Energy usage of humans and the effect on the environment
Energy is converted and transferred
Transmission, generation and reception of information, and light and sound waves
Sharing the planet:
The functions of climate and weather
Weather and climate are recorded
The impact of Earth’s processes and how we can prepare and react
Grade 5 curriculum of International Primary School Saigon Pearl
Who we are:
Why and how people go through changes
The development of strategies to understand and move through changes
The impact of peer pressure on change and how we can support others
Where we are in place and time:
The effect of technology on our ideas about Earth and the Universe
The importance of Earth as a Goldilocks planet
Earth’s place in the Universe and its impact
Continued space exploration
How we express ourselves:
Culture and how do people express their culture
Cultural and independent beliefs and values
The importance of international mindedness and diversity
How the world works:
Properties and changes in materials and matter and their uses
Materials and matter that promote sustainability
Applications of commonly used materials
How we organize ourselves:
Properties and Globalization and how people trade globally
People and events can impact economic activities
Creating a successful business plan and making use of different resources in the marketplace
Sharing the planet:
Earth’s systems and their interactions
Behaviors and characteristics living things have that help them survive
The role of energy transfer in ecosystems
Balance and diversity importance to an ecosystem
At International Primary School Saigon Pearl, the curriculum with 6 transdisciplinary themes helps students not only develop intelligence but also practice what they have learned, explore more related topics and promote a spirit of curiosity. This will facilitate comprehensive development of students in the future.
For more information about International Primary School Saigon Pearl, parents can contact the ISSP Admissions Office via:
Phone number: +84 (028) 2222 7788.
The above article gives a summary on the curriculum of International Primary School Saigon Pearl – the credible American international school. Hopefully, after reading the article, parents will gather more useful information about the learning pathway of their children at ISSP.